Biggie Sized Weigh In- Week 20: (-2.4 lbs)
I am now officially under 3BILLS! I am half way to shedding 100 lbs. It is a great accomplishment and I am very happy. I feel better and I am looking better too! I have kept up with eating right, drinking water, eating fruits instead of 100 cal packs and just thinking before I put food in my mouth.
My reward after reaching my 2nd goal (1st one was 10%)- We are off on a cruise today. This may be a Big Guys fantasy- 24 hr room service, food and drink everywhere: Fun, Sun and Food!
I will journal my week out at sea and report how I did. I am hoping I can use all the things I have learned and incorporate it on this trip. Not saying I will not enjoy myself and deprive myself. It just means I can have fun and eat right. Wish me luck and see you guys in a week. For all those that read Thinsanity- Thank you and hope we help. I hope Not so Fatty McButterpants can give you some good reading this week!
Starting weight: 351.0 lbs
Current weight: 299.2lbs
WLTD: 51.8lbs
Total Plan Days: 138 day
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